Guide to evaluating whether your skin is actually dry or just dehydrated

(Hint: Your skin condition is different from your skin type)

Your skin type, either normal, dry, oily, or combination, is determined by genetics and does not change throughout your life. Understanding your skin type puts you on the right path to buying the correct type of products for your skin, but in order to choose the best skincare products you would also need to understand your current skin condition. 

Unlike your skin type, your skin condition changes throughout your lifetime and plays an important role in helping you to determine your best skincare products. Actually, the skincare products that you choose can have an impact on your skin condition, along with many other internal and external factors.

1. Skin tone

The natural complexion of your skin can determine how your skin reacts to external environmental factors such as the sun, weather, and pollution. Lighter skin tones are more prone to sunburns and related skin diseases and require skincare products that provide stronger protection to UV exposure.  While darker skin tones are less prone to sun damage, they still require dedicated UV exposure protection. 

2. Skin sensitivity 

Your skin is more sensitive when it easily gets irritated by things such as different skincare products (not common in healthy skin), hot showers, season changes, or just very high or low temperatures. When your skin is sensitive, it is a sign that your skin’s moisture barrier is weak and or damaged, and as a result, no longer protects your skin from irritants entering your skin. Fortunately, for most people the skin barrier can be repaired with products that focus on restoration. 

3. Oil production

Another factor that can weaken and damage the skin barrier is the amount of the oil produced by the glands in your skin. Over production will lead to clogged pores and breakouts, and low production can cause dehydration. 

4. Skin aging

As we age, our skin changes accordingly. Regardless which skin type you had in your early years, as you grow older, it generally becomes drier, wrinklier, and looser. You may also start to notice spots and pigmentation forming. However, everyone ages at different rates, so it is important to measure your skin’s age state and find the best product that fits such a condition. 

5. Personal lifestyle and habits

Aspects of your life, such as your work environment, diet, amount of sleep, and stress, and your habits such as smoking and alcohol consumption can have an impact on the condition of your skin.

Many factors can affect your skin in different ways, and it is more difficult to figure out your skin condition. However, knowing your skin condition can help you greatly in finding your perfect skincare product. To make the evaluation process easier, AmtoPm Skincare offers a free tool that would accurately assess your skin condition in just under 5min!


Age: 30 - 35
Climate: Dry and Hot
Fitzpatrick skin type: III
Skin factors: Dry, Light Sensitive, Mild Acne-Prone

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