What is customized skincare routine? The Future of Beauty

Have you ever wondered if there ever existed a perfect skincare routine for you? The skincare mass market has been constantly growing and achieving more than 3000 new skincare launches each year. With the increasing budget allocations for research and development of new ingredients, techniques, and marketing efforts, it is expected to grow even more. Summing up, all these new developments brought us a new concept in our skincare routine, customized products.

Each product is developed with a specific skincare user in mind and beauty developers spend a lot of time not only achieving the desired results in their products but also optimizing their ingredients to improve their cost-benefit. A product can work wonders for a group of users, do little or nothing to other users, and even sometimes negatively affect a few users. And that makes sense, as there isn’t any product that would perform the same way for everyone. 

Because of the unique differences in how each product can affect your skin, certain products could work really well on your best friend’s skin but not as good on yours, and the reason is not always related to the quality of the product. The biggest reason is simple. We are all different! Starting from our genes. Most skin characteristics such as pigmentation, oil levels, and aging rate follow specific trends determined by our genes, however, there are many other variables that make our skin so unique.

Plus, our lifestyles impact our skin more than we can imagine. Think about how your skincare needs changes during the wintertime, or how much your skin tan or burn when it is exposed to the sun. Or how about the times when you partied hard all weekend, ate too much cake during your birthday week, or even indulged in junk food cravings on your period days. Your skin condition changes all the time!

Understanding the skin

The skin is an organ that is connected to your body through multiple systems, so what you put in your body will automatically impact your skin. Things such as food, water, alcohol, tobacco, medicines, skincare products, and even sleep, exercise, and stress can all take a toll on the skin in different forms. There are some other hard to control variables that add complexity to the equation like pollution, radiation, and environmental moisture.

With all these variables into consideration, it makes sense that there is MUCH MORE to skincare than just knowing skin types ( dry, normal, oily, or combination) and you should get into the customized skincare routine.

So, if we are all so unique, how do we navigate through an ocean amount of skincare products to know which ones are truly the right ones for our specific skin condition and needs? Well, until a couple of years ago, there was no other way than trial-and-error. Actually, people could have spent all their lives using the wrong products because it is expensive and at some point, frustrating, more if you are looking your skin getting worse every day.

Customization to target your needs

Then customization came into its conception. With the continuous improvement of technology and information treatment, there is a way to know which products are designed for your specific needs. So if you look around you, you might see customized cars, food, treatments, clothes, etc. So why can’t we have customized skincare routines? 

AmtoPm was born to match the best products in a free customized skincare routine designed specifically for you. Stop doing endless trial and error, and let’s understand your unique skin to find out your dream skincare combo.

Take your FREE Skincare Quizz here.

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